Working directly with school administrators and youth agencies, Manhattan Art Program designs individualized programs that address the specific needs of New York City's diverse student populations. We can create one or two day workshops, multi-week clinics for after-school as well as summer sessions. The extended programs culminate in a celebratory exhibition of the student's artwork. Through the display and presentation of their artwork, students develop a sense of pride and appreciation of their own as well as their classmates accomplishments, thereby building confidence, camaraderie, and cooperation.
Building on its experience and success with at-risk children, Manhattan Art Program is constantly developing its content-based programming to incorporate new and innovative subjects. Structured around vital global and community concerns such as ecology, nutrition, the built environment, and cultural history, these concept projects demonstrate the interconnectedness of the creative arts with other school subjects and with the social fabric of the community.
The best learners are the best decision makers. When learning in a creative and challenging way, students gain abilities valuable in any challenge. Through this art project can be a catalyst for learning in other areas. In this way, Manhattan Art Program strives to fulfill an imperative for a truly rounded education.